Thursday, November 6, 2008

Best Video games for this holidays season!!

1)Resistance 2
2)Gears of Wars 2
3)Killzone 2
4)Fallout 3
5)Little Big Planet
6)God of war 3
7)Call Of Duty: World at War

This are just some of the best games for this holiday season!!

*Not rated just listed

Resistance 2 launch!!!!

Finally after waiting for months for this game!!!!! Its finally out in Singapore!!! Resistance 2!!!! Man,am I so excited to get my hands on it!!! There is also a collector edition pack!!! The package contains some cool resistance stuffs also includes a Chimera Hybird fingure!!! Rock On Resistance!!!! Maybe after buying the game I SHALL PAWNED ALL RESISTANCE 2 PLAYER ON ONLINE!!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!!!