Thursday, November 6, 2008

Best Video games for this holidays season!!

1)Resistance 2
2)Gears of Wars 2
3)Killzone 2
4)Fallout 3
5)Little Big Planet
6)God of war 3
7)Call Of Duty: World at War

This are just some of the best games for this holiday season!!

*Not rated just listed

Resistance 2 launch!!!!

Finally after waiting for months for this game!!!!! Its finally out in Singapore!!! Resistance 2!!!! Man,am I so excited to get my hands on it!!! There is also a collector edition pack!!! The package contains some cool resistance stuffs also includes a Chimera Hybird fingure!!! Rock On Resistance!!!! Maybe after buying the game I SHALL PAWNED ALL RESISTANCE 2 PLAYER ON ONLINE!!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Movies UPDATE!!

Congrats to the video-game turned movie,"Max Pyane" for topping the USA box office chart in my country also,by earning 17.6 million dollars beating "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" (11.4 million dollars).

(Adpated from Yahoo Singapore news)

Halloween poem (Sort off)

Its that time of the year again
The time when ghouls,ghosts and monster run free
The time,children get candies for free
People trick-o-treating
Going to houses knocking
Children dressing
as monsters they favour
Children devour-
their halloween candies
People bobing (Apple bobing)
Some people sobing
You may ask why are people sobing...
Well some people might dress as zombies and scare the living out of you...
You can see and hear many things during this frightful season
Animals howling
People smiling
Kids running
people screaming
Decorations that creeps
things can also go bump in the night
monsters,ghost or maybe a walking dead dark knight
Lurking under your bed when you sleep
after all that knocking
from house to house
to collect candies
remeber one important thing
to upwraped the candies and start eating!

By,Brendon Tan Xing Ming (nOT ReaAlLy mY nAme)

Happy Halloween!!! (27/10/08)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

(Games Music:)Max Payne And Max Payne 2 Theme songs (To Celebrate the coming of the new Max Payne Movie)


Resistance 2 UPDATES (new gameplays videos)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Call Of Duty 3:Rating

Hello friends its me again,i am rating another game......Call Of Duty 3! I know you people must be asking why i am rating a game which is about already 2 years old......well its quite simple really...i have no other games to rate this week and also Call Of Duty 3 is just one of my favourite Call Of Duty games in the series,so let travel back in time to World War II.....

Type of game:FPS (First Person Shooting)

Platform:X-Box,X-Box 360,Wii,Playstation 2 and 3

Developers:Treyarch,Pi Studios,Activision

Release Date:Now avaliable

Content Rating:Teen:Blood,Language and Violence

Call Of Duty:Rating 8.0/10

Descriptions of game:Fight your way through the Normandy Breakout campaign,the most devastating series of battles in WWII.Featuring all new battle actions,destructible enviroment,and vehicle-based online Mulltiplayer,Call Of Duty 3 delivers the most cinematic and intense combat moments ever experienced.

What is it all about:

In Call Of Duty 3,get closer than ever to the fury of combat as an Allied soldier in World War II's most harrowing military operation,the Normandy Breakout Campaign.Melee combat brings you face to face with German forces.Multiple attack routes mean you decide whether to flank your enemy or hit him head on.Varied terrain,graphics and sound,and a dramatic story deliver Call Of Duty's signature cinematic intensity.

Play through the Normandy Breakout Campaign as 4 diffrent type of Allied soldier from Amercia,British,Canadains and Poland.Fight with Germans soldier hand to hand or weapon to weapon or even maybe knife to hand.Play through 13 chapters and see what is like to fight in war.Multiplayer with many types of weapons both Allied and Axis and many types of vehicles.Multiplayer mode can play up to 24 players.

This game is really a must have to complete your collection of Call Of Duty games,Recommended to gamers who loved to kick Axis butt and love beautiful graphics.

It is a must have if you own the Playstation 3,X-box or Wii

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Remembering 15 Feb 1942.Total Defence Day.

15 feb had arrived.
The day that when we all cried.
The day that change our thinking,
of having a army of our own.
The day when the japanese invaded Singapore.
We suffered for 2 and a half year of suffering.
Most of the People of Singapore had already given up
Most of them said that Singapore will not make it
but some did not think that way.
Many had died on that day.
For those dark days people of Singapore had no freedom.
All of us dont want that to happen again.
Till today everybody still remember that day,the day where we all suffered together and the day where we help each other to survive the dark days.
One of our most important people in Singapore is the soliders of Singapore,they are the one who make the different for all of us to sleep peacefully at night without worrying about anything.
or for that thing to happen again in Singapore.
Tan Xing Ming of 6 Respect
P.S: "War dosen't make boys men they make men dead"

Hardcore gamer or Casual gamer which one are you??

The Hardcore is an interesting person and an interesting term.To my way of thnking,it's a distinction that has only up recently,because at first,especially in the early years of gaming,if you were a gamer,you were,by definition,hardcore,since no one else was really playing video games except those really REALLY into it.
Now hardcore are kind of extinct okea..maybe not extinct but maybe in future..thanks to the Wii!!! Hardcore maybe extinct..
Anyway if you are a hardcore gamer then my friend tou view the right blog as i am going to tell you what games that are for HAREDCORE GAMERS!!
Here my top 10 chart list of the most Hardcore to the seriously HARDCORE GAMES!!
10)Need for speed: Carbon
9)Time Crisis 4
8)Pokemon Diamond or pearl
6)Resistance fall of man
5)Medal of Honor:Airborne
4)Enemy Territory:Quake Wars
2)Maplestory and other onlines game like World of Warcraft..
1)HALO 3
(All those games are now selling everywhere in Singapore)There are more but that all i can think of..sry..
And now i intro you the Casual gamer boring games..
1)Wii sports
Okea maybe i no nid to tell u all the game casual gamers games are Wii games(most of the games)
Dont get me wrong that i hate casual gamer games..Here is a game which is cool and fun
1)Little Big Planet
Anyway if u still dont know what is the meaning of Hardcore gamer and casual gamer here the meaning..Hardcore gamers are gamers who play for 24 hrs a day without rest but the casual gamer are people who play just for fun..there are other meaning but this is just one meaning...
Check out all the games on
By,Tan Xing Ming(Wanting to become a game magazine journalist) or also better know as Bre340 in Maplestory

My very own written poetry!! well kind of like a poem...

It all started because of greed
and revenge
Made from the people who want more from what they already have.
Because of it's devestating loses during WWI Germany wanted revenge but with no plan.
A man named Adolf Hitler made it come true.
He spoke withs powerful words with confident and sure
He declared war on Europe.
He's army called Nazis invaded almost nearly everthing part of Europe.
Everybody thought that whole of Europe would be takenover in a few months
Everybody lives in fear
Millions were killed
All of Europe's people now rest on the allies hands to lift the dark shadow that cast above them.
The British tried very hard to fight against the Nazis but they were too strong.
So they combined force with the Amercians and other countries wiiling to fight for everybody sake.
They fought for many years and finally they defeated the Germans.
This could never happen thanks to the copperation of the allies.
The dark shadows was finally lifted off.
Everybody was happy.
But not Adolf Hitler
In the end he shot himself dead.
Always remember that war is never a way to solve a problem, it just make a matter worst.
By Tan Xing Ming of 6 Respect 13-3-08
P.s"Everybody want peace but they want a peace that suits them best"

Resistance Fall of Man: Rating

I know its been a very long time since Resistance Fall Of man came to your nearest gaming store....
but since this is my first time making a blog.....i would like to rate it!
as i am a Resistance Fall of Man fan!!!

Type of game:FPS (First Person Shooting)
Platform:Playstation 3
Developers:Insomniac Games,Sony Computer Entertainment Amercia
Release date:Now avaliable
Content Rating:Mature 17+ Blood and gore,intense violence and strong Language

Resistance Fall of Man:Rating 8.5/10

Description of game:There is no defence.There is no cure.Each of our casualties just increases thier number.Russia went dark over a year ago.Europe fell weeks later.The Chimear will reach the other continents within days.It is July 11th,1951.Admist the ruins of England,U.S. and British forces take a final stand.

What is it all about:
You play as Sergeant Nathan Hale a solider from the United States Army Rangers 1st Regiment you and your fellow solider were sent to England to help the British forces fight the Chimera forces without knowing who are your enemies,how they look like,how they fight and where did they come from.
Play throught about 30+ Levels,use about 13 types of weapon and 3 type of Vechicles.Play Campaign,cooperative and online (up to 40 players) Fight many diffrent types of Chimera,Unlocks cool stuffs while doing secret challenges.
Good storyline,cool graphic and awesome gameplay keep you in your edge of your seats while playing Resistance Fall of Man.
Recommended to FPS type gaming fan,like blood and gore and who love to kill other players in Deathmatch on online play.

It is a must have if you own a Playstation 3!!