Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hardcore gamer or Casual gamer which one are you??

The Hardcore is an interesting person and an interesting term.To my way of thnking,it's a distinction that has only up recently,because at first,especially in the early years of gaming,if you were a gamer,you were,by definition,hardcore,since no one else was really playing video games except those really REALLY into it.
Now hardcore are kind of extinct okea..maybe not extinct but maybe in future..thanks to the Wii!!! Hardcore maybe extinct..
Anyway if you are a hardcore gamer then my friend tou view the right blog as i am going to tell you what games that are for HAREDCORE GAMERS!!
Here my top 10 chart list of the most Hardcore to the seriously HARDCORE GAMES!!
10)Need for speed: Carbon
9)Time Crisis 4
8)Pokemon Diamond or pearl
6)Resistance fall of man
5)Medal of Honor:Airborne
4)Enemy Territory:Quake Wars
2)Maplestory and other onlines game like World of Warcraft..
1)HALO 3
(All those games are now selling everywhere in Singapore)There are more but that all i can think of..sry..
And now i intro you the Casual gamer boring games..
1)Wii sports
Okea maybe i no nid to tell u all the game casual gamers games are Wii games(most of the games)
Dont get me wrong that i hate casual gamer games..Here is a game which is cool and fun
1)Little Big Planet
Anyway if u still dont know what is the meaning of Hardcore gamer and casual gamer here the meaning..Hardcore gamers are gamers who play for 24 hrs a day without rest but the casual gamer are people who play just for fun..there are other meaning but this is just one meaning...
Check out all the games on
By,Tan Xing Ming(Wanting to become a game magazine journalist) or also better know as Bre340 in Maplestory

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