Saturday, February 14, 2009

The reviews and critcs and all said the same KILLZONE 2.

Killzone 2 has got many X-BOX 360 owners who play 'HALO 3' to shit their pants,as 'KILLZONE 2' SCORED MANY RATING THAT IS HIGHER THAN 9/10,the lowest rating so far is 9. something the highest being 10/10!!!!
CONGRATS to 'KILLZONE 2' FOR BEING THE BEST FPS game in history to date!!!

Many have said that 'HALO 3' and 'CALL OF DUTY 4 MODERN WARFARE' are the best FPS game out there......they are soooo wrong.......

Jog On,

Brendon Tan Xing Ming
Proud owner of a 'Playstation 3' and a potential buyer of 'KILLZONE 2'

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