Wednesday, March 25, 2009


1)I love killing Zombies on any type of videogames,when there is zombies to kill there is fun.

2)I hate the X-box 360 and Nintendo Wii so much that when i am in MapleStory I tell players why X-box 360 and Wii suck so much,that I get into fights with some X-box and Wii fansboys.

3)I believe that there is such things of Aliens.

4)I love studying topics on World War II,I read stories about WWII fiction or non-fiction etc.

5)20% of general knowledge I learn is from Videogaming (videogames)

6)I have eaten american size burger and finished it whole

7)I do not like how Singaporean dress when they go out,its so dull not colourful.

8)I do not wear formal clothes when I go to weddings,I wear casual,colourful clothes.It runs in my father side family that we wear colourful unique clothes during special occassion,we are all happy people!!

Jog On,

Brendon Tan Xing Ming a zombie survival specialist,WWII specialist and a videogame specialist.

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